The Weekender No. 38 – English Issue
The Weekender is a powerful independent magazine about living, travel and lifestyle in general. It shows inspiring places to live – from the apartment to the houseboat to the castle, in its rugged state without posing. A well-designed mix of stories from all over the world packed into a magazine, with topics from the fields of travels, interiors, food, design and nature.
For its international readers, The Weekender is now available in English as well. If you're looking for the German version, you can also order it from our store.
Die DEUTSCHE FASSUNG der Ausgabe gibt es ebenfalls hier.
Topics of the summer issue 2022:
London, Athens, Sydney, Brussels, Lisbon, Copenhagen, Sicily, Den Bosch, Cannes and more ...
How We Live
Stephanie Oberg and Simon Homes live and work in an old house in the London
district of Dalston. Here, they design fashion that combines casual style with
natural roots.
House of Glass
A few kilometers from the center of Sydney, a family lives in an architectdesigned
glass-walled house from the 1950s in which indoors and outdoors merge into one.
The New Ice Age
From beach vacations to cocktail bars, ice cubes and summer are inseparable
companions. An exploration of the cultural history of ice. Plus how to make crystal-clear ice cubes at home.
Pretty Hôtels
In this series Robert Kittel, founder of Pretty Hôtels, presents very special hotels
and favorite places to stay. This time: enchanting bed and breakfasts near the beach.
Wool and the Gang
A herd of sheep on the outskirts of Brussels was Pauline Dornat’s inspiration for
a project forging a connection between traditional wool weaving and a diverse local community.
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