Wallet Issue 6
A conversation on the modelling business. Featuring Halima Aden, Jeni Rose and Walter Pearce in a text conversation, and New Aliens Agency, 3rd Space MGMT, Elite Models, Tomorrow is Another Day, Supa Model Management, Nisch Management, Troy Agency, The Claw, Wilhelmina and Cat-B in a visual conversation.
Established in 2017, Wallet is a publication for your pocket – a small start to a larger conversation. A new pair of glasses to see through the blur of the fashion industry, to clarify and provide perspectives. With a sharp pen Wallet applies political dimensions to the sleek surface of fashion. Wallet is pocket sized and compliments the concept of an actual Wallet. A part of one’s essentials, highly personal and a symbol of capitalist values – your Wallet is a reflection of who you are in the environment you live in. And if you don’t have one, you are either too rich or too poor. The format enables a mobile function – you are able to carry Wallet with you, able to share; to reference, to write notes in and take notes from.
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