This Orient Issue 3 – The Greater Middle East
An insight into the Greater Middle Eastern art scene and a debut to a new chapter of This Orient. The richness of specialities, the pure potential and authenticity of Middle Eastern and North African regions needs to be explored and shared with the world.
This issue explores the past, but also celebrates the contemporary North African and Middle Eastern culture and art scene, with all its variations.
These artists are among others part of this issue:
Ali Akbar Sadeghi
Bita Fayyazi
Septembre Architects
Moley Talhaoui
Ayzit Bostan
Nir Altman
Bassam Allam
…And many more exceptional collectives and creative minds
Cover image Mous Lamrabat
Publication Design by Studio Alex Hunting
208 pages + 24pages extra supplement booklet, FSC-Recycled, offset-printed and perfect bound, full color on uncoated paper. Dimension 230×300 mm. Printed in Germany.
As we try to explore what the origins of all creative energy are, it is essential to face up to our own roots, and a lot of people already do. Our magazine is called 'THIS ORIENT. The name implies the idea that what we want to share already exists, yet is still waiting to be explored. We give a voice to the contemporary Middle East and North Africa. This Orient gives an insight into the Greater Middle Eastern art scene. The richness of specialities, the pure potential and authenticity of Middle Eastern and North African regions needs to be explored and shared with the world. This issue explores the past, but also celebrates the contemporary North African and Middle Eastern culture and art scene, with all its variations. We want to share what already exists, yet is still waiting to be explored. The name This Orient implies the idea of a space no matter if physical or not, where one feel free to express hisself. Architecture, its residents, their art: We visit artists at their studio and, or home to explore their art.
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