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by The Gentlewoman

The Gentlewoman Issue 24 – Little Simz

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The virtuoso rap superstar Little Simz is the face of the 24th issue of the magazine, photographed by Jamie Hawkesworth and profiled by Seb Emina. Across its 296 pages, the irrepressible British actor Shelia Atim rises to every occasion; Margaret Howell reveals how she got so darn good; the brilliant conceptual artist from Berlin, Christine Sun Kim on what listening looks like; the outrageously popular chef Ruth Rogers dishes it out and Ita O’Brien practises safe sex on screen. There are contemporary considerations, from the 100-year life to Carl Jung, along with a ritzy seasonal showcase of fabulous fashions.

The Gentlewoman celebrates modern women of style and purpose. Its fabulous biannual magazine offers a fresh and intelligent perspective on fashion.
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