Posterzine #45 – Mojoko
Mojoko, also known as Steve Lawler, is a Multimedia Artist & Designer, Creative Director of EYEYAH! Magazine and ‘The Unusual’. His work dives into Singaporean subculture enabling him to create huge (sometimes as big as a house) complex collages that mash trash pop culture with the old and historical, in a range of media from computer programming to animation, drawing to printmaking. The result is not for the tame hearted, Steve's collages are certainly an unabashed assault on the senses - which we are very excited to feature as our 45th issue of Posterzine.
Posterzine™ is People of Print's monthly publishing project taking the form of a mini-magazine which folds out into a gorgeous A1 format poster (594x841mm). Printed by Pressision Ltd using (usually) two special spot colours onto high-quality GFSmith Naturalis paper.
MON – SAT, 12:00 - 18:00
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