Pin-Up Issue 28 – Sun
Spring/Summer 2020
An entire issue inspired by the SUN! On the cover: A flaming ball of fire conceived by creative masterminds Willo Perron and David Black. Inside: architecture historian Beatriz Colomina discusses sunlight, architecture, and illness; meditations on L.A.’s iconic Bonaventure Hotel by Fiona Alison Duncan with a visual portfolio shot by Torso; a sunbook special with reflections on melting Modernism, tanning beds, heart-shaped resorts, nudist utopias, architectural sunsets, and a forecast of tomorrow’s sunglasses by Common Accounts; An obsessive sunflower portfolio by Pim Top; a trip to Provence with style maven Clémande Burgevin Blachman; Nerea Calvillo on pollen, particles, and pollution; an ode to shadows featuring this season’s finest sofas, and architect Christian Wassmann’s manifesto of the sun.
Also in the issue:
This London-based design duo have perfected an absurdist realism that playfully questions the status quo. Now they’re ready to make a full-time splash.
Interview by Jeppe Ugelvig
Portraits by Davit Giorgadze
The Burkina Faso-born builder has had an exceptional rise. With two African parliament projects afoot, as well as his first major project in Germany, the Berlin-based luminary is as down-to-earth as ever.
Interview by Shumi Bose
Portraits by Paul Hutchison
Known for Gulf Futurism as much as historical fiction, this self-described time-traveler is a bonafide polymath. With her first ever public sculpture in the works, the Qatari-American artist is building her own multifaceted universe.
Interview by Hans Ulrich Obrist
Portraits by Mathilde Agius
Having defined a signature language blending traditional and modern sensibilities, the Indian architect, and designer embraces a new free-flowing phase, forever inspired by the romance of air, water, and light.
Interview by Felix Burrichter
Portraits by Marlon Rueberg
AND: Enzo Mari through the eyes of Adam Charlap Hyman; Acne Studios’ new headquarters in a Brutalist former embassy; the narrative-centric design duo Green River Project; the late Gloria Kisch’s functional steel sculptures; Laura Welker and her love for the dollhouse; the new Sarasota Art Museum’s Paul Rudolph building; Rich Aybar Workshop’s debut rubber furniture collection; Mohamed Elshahed’s architectural guide to Modernism in Cairo; Tei Carpenter on philosophy, the future and fire hydrants; a children’s book by MOS architects; Valentina Cameranesi Sgroi’s delicate glassware; Amina Blacksher on robots and favelas; Nick DeMarco’s love of trash; Tatiana Bilbao’s new monograph; a series of interviews by Fredi Fischli and Niels Olsen on the retail apocalypse featuring innovators of the shop typology, including SITE, Smiljan Radic, Dominique Gonzales Foerster, and Studio Anne Holtrop; and a revisionist history of Modernist lamps in Vienna; and so much more.
The only biannual Magazine for Architectural Entertainment
PIN–UP is a magazine that captures an architectural spirit, rather than focusing on technical details of design, by featuring interviews with architects, designers, and artists, and presenting work as an informal work in progress – a fun assembly of ideas, stories and conversations, all paired with cutting-edge photography and artwork. Both raw and glossy, the magazine is a nimble mix of genres and themes, finding inspiration in the high and the low by casting a refreshingly playful eye on rare architectural gems, amazing interiors, smart design, and that fascinating area where those areas connect with contemporary art. In short, PIN–UP is pure architectural entertainment!GUDBERG NERGER
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