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by i-D

i-D No. 370 – The Royalty Issue

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When you think of i-D you think of energy, of people, of identity. And nothing influences our identity more than the music we listen to and the cultures that surround that music. We always consider our print issues to be a time capsule. For the Royalty Issue, we set out to create an album. To take you on a journey, from intros to interludes through to hit singles, anthems and reprises. 

Winter 2022 – Nicki Minaj photographed by Luis Alberto Rodriguez


i-D has built its reputation on being a consistent source of inspiration in fashion culture. It began as a fanzine dedicated to the street style of punk-era London in 1980, and quickly earned its position at the vanguard of fashion and style, abiding by the premise of originate – don’t imitate. i-D has come a long way since its pre-digital, cut-and-paste days and has developed into a glossy magazine that documents fashion and contemporary culture, and has broken ground defining it too.

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