Ausgabe 11 – Wiederentdeckung der Wirklichkeit / Back to Reality
Die magischen Zauberer hinter der Kamera präsentieren Ihnen heute die Show „Back to Reality“. Kommen Sie mit auf eine Reise. Wir versprechen Ihnen nicht mehr als die Wiederentdeckung der Wirklichkeit! Im Laufe unserer Show werden wir Ihnen unterschiedliche Kandidat*innen präsentieren, die für jeweils ihren Zugang zur Wirklichkeit werben.
Autoren: Francesco Amorosino, Steven Barritt, Krystyna Bilak, Valentine Bo, david brothers, Jacob Burge, Caleb Churchill, Louis De Belle, Antone Dolezal, Gabriel Dörner, Jonas Fischer, Iggy Smalls, Fabien Fourcaud, Claudia Fuggetti, Florian Genz, Nazmimohammadreza, Daniel Niedermeier, Valentyn Odnoviun, Stefan Petermann, Toni Petraschk, Adriano Pimenta, Anastasia Samoylova, Jakob Tress, Jose David Valiente , Sebastian van Vugt, Martin Venezky, Florian Voggeneder, Sheung Yiu, Lucas Zimmermann & DIE EPILOG
What is HANT – magazine for photography?
“HANT – Magazin für Fotografie” is an interdisciplinary project of students and alumnis from Weimar, Erfurt, Gera and Jena. The magazine is supposed to offer a platform for contemporary photographic works of people with a connection to Thuringia and represent the creative variety across the borders of Thuringia. In the first place, the project was created as a bachelor thesis at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. The basic thought was to share our enthusiasm about photography with people that are interested and especially to motivate our fellow students to show their works to a wider range of people. That is how a steady growing platform for photography in mid-Germany arose, combining people who are interested, beginners, students and professional photographers.
MON – SAT, 12:00 - 18:00
Poolstrasse 8 | 20355 Hamburg - Germany
Phone: +49(0)40 - 81 95 15 0
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