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by Frederik Busch

German Business Plants – limited Collectors Edition

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Get the German Business Plants book signed by the Artist Frederik Busch with a personal dedication! The book comes in a nice brown carton box with a set of very special German Business Plants Postcards and a limited fine art print.

The daily work routine of post-industrial society reveals an inexhaustible supply of stories and images; whether as sitcoms, as critical editorials or as government office statistics, sources from which we should learn about the socio-political and economic conditions of today’s working people. Often it is about disclosures, about situations that can be humiliating or unfair, yet brushed off as “normal” in everyday life or even taboo - such as bullying, discrimination, exploitation or self-exploitation. Thus the point is about allowing people to open themselves for discussion, those who previously remained silent because their stories may have somewhat rocked the “smooth operations” and balance of power. But what we all too often forget is that humans are not the only entities in the functioning office. Cacti, dracaena trees and scheffleras populate medical practices and law firms, advertising and job agencies, in order to bring a little “life” between the stacks of files and the computer screens. That these are in fact living organisms is a reality all but ignored. Office plants often end up as mere things, their right to substenance - that little bit of water - is hardly taken seriously. Even less so the right to beauty when they are practically dried-out, shoved in a corner and are only able to reach necessary sunlight via contorted growth - this is in fact, not far from the alienation and interchangeability of the “overachieving” of people in their daily work routine. In his photo series “Business Plants” Frederik Busch shows us portraits of such plants in their operative states. Portraits which discover office-botany with proper names and brief characterizations, and in which we quickly realize that these plants are indeed “also only human beings”, their tragicomic existence interwoven in everyday questions about relationships, music and fitness. That their daily life is not designed all that paradisiacally, is unquestionable. The humoristic approach that Frederik Busch has chosen allows us however, to confront these plants as individuals, simply as fellow creatures and not just merely things that submit to the civilizational superiority of the human species.

19,5 x 25,5 cm
128 pages
52 pictures
German & English

Limited to 100 sets. 

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