Food& Losers
Food& is a Berlin based biannual art publication that explores unusual encounters with food. Issue 5 is titled Food& Losers – Inbetween consuming and not winning. Previous titles were &Sports, &Aliens, &Nuclear War, and &Love.
The magazine is an experiment; a reflection on the relation and use of one of our most basic needs; an excuse to meet new people and spread their work; a strange and fun assignment.
Food& Losers is featuring: Alex Weir, Alif Ibrahim, Angela Fox, Anna Breit, Ashkan Sahihi, Bailan Lan, Bep Broos, Blanca Font, Carolin Martin, Cécile Vexler, Chalisa Chanchuvanichkul, Chenille Harris, Chris Sav, Eva Pedroza, Eve Ahearn, Ilka & Franz, Jale Reyhan Sengul,
MON – SAT, 12:00 - 18:00
Poolstrasse 8 | 20355 Hamburg - Germany
Phone: +49(0)40 - 81 95 15 0
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