Flaneur Magazine Issue 07 – Sao Paulo
For our boldest issue to date, we’ve immersed ourselves in the complex layers of São Paulo’s Treze de Maio. In collaboration with multi-disciplinary artists, academics, and locals, Flaneur Magazine embraces the street’s complexity, its layers and fragmented nature with a literary approach. this time, the fragmentation of narratives is more than ever reflected in the art direction and editorial approach, one that can mirror the flow and interconnectivity of the magazine’s months-long production. The street Treze de Maio (13th of May) here is both, a place and a time, the 13th of May 1888, the day of the official abolishment of slavery in brazil. In that way the issue reads the city layer by layer, forming a multi-voiced collection of contributions that are interwoven with the editor’s outsider voice that explores the reoccurring themes within them.
This issue is bilingual, English & Portuguese.
Contributors: Tatewaki Nio / Paulo Nimer Pjota / Karoline Barros / André Penteado / Camila Svenson / Pétala Lopes / Jose Fernando Peixoto Azevedo / André Meirelles Collazio / Noemi Jaffe / Guilherme Wisnik / Karlla Girotto / Alessandro Marques / João Bandeira / Viva Meyer / Amanda Vieira / Rafael Monteiro / Felipe Russo
Editorial Assistant: Anna Ferkingstad & Karoline Barros
Flaneur is a nomadic, independent magazine focussing on one street per issue. The magazine embraces the street’s complexity, its layers and fragmented nature with a literary approach. The content of the magazine is produced with and for Flaneur by artists of all disciplines while the team spends two months on location. It is made using a collaborative, impulsive and unconventional approach. The magazine attempts to use a single microcosm to tell universal stories.
MON – SAT, 12:00 - 18:00
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