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by Felix Eckardt

Felix Eckardt – Lichtarbeit

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New coffee table book showing the painter Felix Eckardt's great works, alongside an introduction by Claudia Schumacher and and interview conducted by Tom R. Schulz as well as further texts by renowned authors such as Bernd Ulrich, Tala Mohajeri, Eva Menasse und Leif Randt.

Felix Eckardt, born 1975, studied painting and illustration at the Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften (College of Applied Sciences) in Hamburg and at the Universidad Complutense in Madrid. Today, he works as a freelance artist in Hamburg. He has published several art books and taught painting and illustration at the HaW Hamburg and the Akademie Bad Reichenhall.
Painting is his passion, his professional focus. His painting took him on studies to London, the U.S. Westcoast and New York. His works have been in many exhibitions and art fairs in Germany and abroad.

23,5 x 32 cm
Hardcover, 200 pages
German/English, 2022

ISBN: 978-3-945772-80-5


Neuer Bildband von Felix Eckardt mit vielen ausführlichen Eindruck über seine Arbeit, besonders auch die aktuellen Werke. Weiterhin gibt es ein Interview mit Tom R. Schulz und einen tiergehenden Text über seine Arbeit von Claudia Schumacher. Aber auch andere Autor*innen wie Bernd Ulrich, Tala Mohajeri, Eva Menasse und Leif Randt haben etwas zu seinen einzigartigen Arbeiten geschrieben.


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