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by Der Greif

Der Greif Issue 13

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DER GREIF is an award-winning organization for contemporary photography. It is print-publication, online-publication, curatorial team and joint project all at once. The artistic core and root of the project is the ad-free print-publication. It combines and presents the works of photographers and authors of different origins in a holistic piece of art.

Surplus Management
(In and Out of Order)

As guest editor of Der Greif Issue 13, Penelope Umbrico launched an open call for images of surplus.

Requesting images that could be combined with others, she strung them together to create a new space within these pages. Here multiple individual images have become one collective space: global points of local views are localized into a singular global view. Umbrico sequences these images to create an underlying narrative around order and disorder that registers our human relationship to the objects we make.

Featuring the work of 45 photographers and artists, each image is numbered in order of appearance in the sequence, but the pages are intentionally unbound, allowing them to easily become out of order upon viewing.

Der Greif issue 13 is printed on surplus paper found at the printer.

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