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by CaSE

CaSE Magazine Issue 01 – Paths

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CaSE is irreverent. CaSE is hopeful. CaSE is surreal.

CaSE is simply put, absurd.

Lacking a sense of existential dread and hopelessness that currently plague our generation, we threw ourselves to the task of creating something that we found missing in the current market: an alternative. Today the present is bleak and the future non-existent. The zeitgeist is nihilistic at best. In that sense then, this project is absurd as it suspends reality in order to create room for possibility. We want to change the current narrative that surrounds sustainability: guilt, dread, anger, which lead to bitterness, spite, and apathy. Apathy that rises from lack of agency, financial frustration, and dystopian realities which have left little room for dreamers. CaSE is here to show that this outlook is an unacceptable approach to the problem we are facing as a society, as a species. CaSE is here to change the conversation towards solutions and give back this agency by showing what is possible today.

As the name suggests, CaSE Magazine is a case study in sustainable practices. We want to take a show, not tell, approach, by highlighting the efforts of designers, leaders, and innovators within the fashion industry. CaSE is not only a platform for sustainable practices, but it is in itself a sustainable business. We want to demonstrate, through practice, that it is possible to create something sustainably. Contrary to what many believe, we state that we should not stop creating, as it is a fundamental human characteristic and form of expression and identity. However, the creative process should be respectful and mindful of the ecosystems and communities that surround us, and not hinder our existence in this planet. This requires a cultural change.


Contributors: Aléa Work, Eva Heugenhauser, Myamia, Alama Jewelry, Miriam Arroyo, Milagros Pereda, Geronimo Tanoira, AB Hassett, Oyku Sahingoz, Nemahsis, SQIM Veja, MUD Jeans, Zinedine Belfaci, Patricia Buren, Marcelle Metta, Arturo Jaramillo, Nina Urgell Cloquell, Victor Weinsanto, Julien Perrichon, Mehdi Bakhti

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