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The Zetti brand has existed for over 200 years and has had an eventful history. From the royal court supplier to nationalisation in GDR times and back to a new beginning, reprivatisation and the founding of Goldeck Süßwaren GmbH. The product range includes more than 30 chocolate creations, among them real classics like Bambina or Knusperflocken. Products that have a huge fan community. We have been looking after the brand and all its products since the beginning of 2020 and had the responsible task of completely repositioning the brand together with the company management. After the extensive strategic work, we started the packaging relaunch of all products,  the corporate design relaunch and then developed the complete brand communication and rolled it out nationally in all media. The brand aims to double its turnover within the next 5 years, especially through distribution in new sales regions and massive communicative support.

Strategy | Conception | Positioning | Corporate Design | Packaging | Campaigning All Media | Digital / Animation | Production