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by People of Print

Posterzine #42 – Aga Giecko

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Taking the stage for our 42nd issue of Posterzine is the talented illustrator Aga Giecko who's playful illustrations and whimsical characters captured the hearts of the many. Originally from Lublin, Poland, Aga nurtured her talent at UAL's Camberwell College of Arts where she developed her bold, sketchy style.

Printed in a vibrant pink and yellow Pantone spot colour-combo, read an exclusive interview with Aga and find out how her journey as a creative began. In addition, we continue our partnership with MOO for this issue. Read their interesting discussions on the back page of each issue covering a range of design topics.

Posterzine™ is People of Print's monthly publishing project taking the form of a mini-magazine which folds out into a gorgeous A1 format poster (594x841mm). Printed by Pressision Ltd using (usually) two special spot colours onto high quality GFSmith Naturalis paper.

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