Are We Europe Issue 17 – The borders of the union
Are We Europe aims to report on the often neglected and ever-changing state of the European identity by empowering aspiring European journalists who are motivated to explore this topic.
In a continent that many idealise as a free space of shared values, how do the edges of the Union shape people’s daily lives?
Where are the borders of our union?
Travel with us from the alpine borders of Switzerland to the Caribbean island of Martinique as we unravel the complex situations that arise around this sometimes nebulous and other times impermeable line that traces the edge of our continent and beyond.
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History of Home
The French island of Martinique is 7000 kilometers away from mainland Europe, but a world away from its Caribbean neighbours as well. -
The Rock
How do British and European identities collide in Gibraltar, the exclave that voted overwhelmingly to remain in the EU? -
The generation that didn't get to vote
Norwegian youth are starting to feel left out of a debate that the rest of the country seems to have settled before they were even born.
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