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by Mayday

Mayday Issue 5

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Mayday is an independent magazine about the erratic realities facing people, society, business and culture. It’s the world’s new medium created in a rare combination of clever and beautiful, serious and playful, and forward-thinking yet respectful for the great accomplishments of humanity. It’s a work of art for all senses. It’s original. It’s Mayday.


The fifth issue – "It's all changing now"

A journey into the biodiverse Amazon Basin with Thomas Lovejoy, researcher and founder of the renowned Forest Fragments project — Aaron Bastani’s opinion on the current economic system’s role in the climate crisis — Feature with Danish artist group SUPERFLEX on what it takes to face cultural challenges — A deep dive into the most natural and unnatural tendencies of the colour green — Utilising art to think ecologically with curator of General Ecology at the Serpentine Galleries, Lucia Pietroiusti — Original fiction shorts — Photo series examining the ebb and flow of our relationship to the sea — the Mayday Index and much more.

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