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by MacGuffin

MacGuffin No. 8 - The Desk

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Time for some hot desking with MacGuffin Nº 8, an issue devoted entirely to our daily cockpit: the desk. MacGuffin pulls open desk drawers and points up desk plants, surveying a succession of clean desks and messy desks, radical desks and resolute desks, makeshift desks and talk show desks, not to mention the fine art of office pranking and presidential doodling.

Featuring François Dallegret, Emily King, Kazuhide Takahama, Saint Jerome, Formafantasma, Rosa Rankin-Gee, Jan Švankmajer and many, many more.


With each issue based around a single object, MacGuffin magazine is a platform for fans of inspiring, personal, unexpected, highly familiar or utterly disregarded things. Widely recognized as a fabulously designed and immaculately researched design & crafts biannual, it is an indispensable resource for all those who want backstage information about the life of things.

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