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DUST Issue 26 – Uncancelling the Future

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DUST #26 - Uncancelling the Future

The future hasn’t vanished from our horizon due to fears, crises, or uncertainty—it’s gone because we gave up imagining it. What was once a realm of endless possibilities has turned into a source of anxiety, a fractured extension of the present that we can neither confront nor see beyond. Neoliberal capitalism, obsessed with short-term gains, has flattened the future into a stagnant present, trapping us in nostalgia and eroding our belief in transformation.
‘Uncancelling the Future’ is the only path forward for this generation. hope isn’t passive—it’s a tool to reclaim our agency, to reignite the belief that change isn’t just possible but inevitable. And change always begins with the courage to imagine a future different from the one we’ve been told is inevitable.


The intent of the project is to explore the universe of youth, in the context of a present time marked by a continuous state of crisis. Our interest is to enlighten the genuine and non-codified aspects of youth and of the new emerging generation by directing our gaze far from institutionalized geography and trends, and above the current standardization that tends to conform the experience of youth in regulated forms. In our research we cross conflicting territories, where structures collapse and the western codes of appearances dissolve into different kinds of choices, different kinds of dynamics. We like to underline a silent geography, at the margin of mainstream paths, in order to rediscover a stronger attachment to life, somehow more vital, genuine and awake; something that is hard to find in the anesthetized youth presented by the disoriented circulating culture. The territory in which we dig is ‘the crisis’ as the elected place where to redesign forms, ideas, values and strategies for our generation to embrace a different way to conceive of life. We observe the collapse of stabilities taking place globally as an irreversible shift of scenario that’s pushing youth to an urgency of change, an urgency to find a new and proper vision. As many do, we feel renewal to be necessary in all fields, based on a more personal sensibility. In light of our concerns and interests, the realms of communication, visual culture, art and fashion need to be reconsidered from a new point of view. Our magazine is intent on creating, within the limits of any cultural product present in the market, this new vision. We consider the magazine a laboratory of ideas and concepts through which we search for a new esthetic and to give the image new value. Our personal interests go beyond the idea of coolness, trends, waves or anything established by pop culture. We prefer to direct our gaze to the basic, genuine way through which youth expresses itself, from where everything should be reconsidered.

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