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by Are We Europe

Are We Europe Issue 14 – Beyond the Headlines of War

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Are We Europe aims to report on the often neglected and ever-changing state of the European identity by empowering aspiring European journalists who are motivated to explore this topic.


While newsfeeds are saturated with numbers and facts about the war, we focus on the people, identities and cultures in Ukraine and its neighbouring countries.

Featured stories

  • Diary of war—Experience the first month of the Russian invasion through the eyes of 5 young people in Ukraine, from Odesa to Mariupol, Zaporizhzhia to Kharkiv, the Romanian border to Berlin.

  • When borders act as mirrors—History lessons from the Turkish-Syrian border teach us that solidarity based on similarity is not enough.

  • The song for shared Ukrainian-Polish identities—Even before the Russian invasion, millions of Ukrainians migrated to Poland. Has history created foundations that can be built upon now?

Photoseries and visual essays

  • Niewybuch—Contrasting youth and violence at Polish military summer camps

  • Transnistria conglomerate—A peek into daily life in contested territory

  • Sunday wishes—Ukrainian economic migrants in Slovakia

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