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„How is it so true that anybody cannot easily save himself against his age!“ notes Johann Wolfgang Goethe in 1825 in a letter to his long-standing friend, the composer Carl Friedrich Zelter.[1] And if Goethe would have known how wonderful things can be put in a nutshell by using hashtags, than his words would have been accentuated by #fastpace #richness #fastmoving,  as in the same letter he states with foresight that especially the youth is too early excited and then teared away by the fast pace. And that the world would only admire richness and speed.

Nearly two centuries later Goethe is as relevant as never before: Instagram, Facebook, twitter et cetera show us images of a world, that is neither real nor constant. A world whose haptic is limited to the cold and crystalline surface of a smartphone or computer screen. Sensual qualities are scarce good, a deficit, that is particularly sensed and questioned by art. The exhibition #WelcomeToTheRealWorld combines six artistic positions that deal with “being in the world”. They form, cut, paint, mix colour by hand, put accurately one line next to the other with the etching needle and especially – take their time. The work processes that are presented here last from days to weeks to various month. So, the exhibition bundles an immense mass of time in one single room. Time, that is perceptible, that can be experienced and that can be felt. Welcome to the real world, a world, that turns around with the same speed since millions of years and that will not be impressed by the speeding of digitization…

[1] Johann Wolfgang Goethe, letter to Carl Friedrich Zelter, 6.6.1825

Participating artists:

Lukasz Chrobok, Astrid Ehlers, Isabell Kamp, Maren Schimmer, Nike Schröder, Jenni Tietze 

Artist Talk:

In the context of the exhibition there will be an artist talk on Thursday, 16 April at 18:30.


Opening on Friday, 6 April 2018 from 19:00 to 23:00

Duration of the exhibition: till 30 Mai 2018

Artist Talk: Thursday, 26. April at 18.30

Location: GUDBERG NERGER GALLERY, Poolstraße 8, 20355 Hamburg

Opening Hours: MO - FR 10:00 - 18:00, SA 12:00 - 18:00