Turps Painting Magazine Issue 20
George Blacklock in conversation with Brice Marden
Barry Schwabsky interviewing Andrew Hunt
Heike Kelter in conversation with Rosa Loy
Phil King on Mark Sibley
David Schutter in conversation with Andre Butzer
Turps Banana in conversation with Bettina Semmer
John Singer Sargent
Karen Roultstone on Barbara Nicholls
Graham Crowley on John Stark
Si Sapsford tries the Sight-Size method.
The idea to establish a magazine about painting, made predominately by painters, became concrete in 2003 during one of our many discussions - arguments about our own work and other painters that interested us.
We, along with most of our friends, have a long history of such discussions (usually in the pub) and built on fairly regular studio visits. These discussions are vital to us and we wondered if there might be a demand for a magazine that could act as a forum for the ideas and views of painters.
Partly because art criticism is not a science and because we believe good painting is not driven by ideological principles, Turps Banana does not carry a singular position or attitude about painting, but is as open as possible, in order to allow dialogues to develop.
What excites us most is that uniquely, the contributors are not critics or professional art writers, but practitioners whose contributions will hopefully illuminate their own practice as they reflect on their contemporaries and their interest in the history
of painting.
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