The Plant Issue 22
THE PLANT magazine is thrilled to announce the release of a brand new issue, celebrating plant life, flowers, nature and the world around us with four striking covers — by Wolfgang Tillmans, Jack Davison, Chaumont-Zaerpour and Sophie McElligott — and the finest lineup of photographers, artists and writers.
Praised by Matthew McLean, Marc Camille Chaimowicz’s belief in beauty permeates every page of the magazine. This issue is an invitation to dream, smile and reflect, featuring Wolfgang Tillmans’s botanical studies and the allegorical faces of Ulan Baatar by Kerry J. Dean; Peter Lindbergh’s observations on nature and Jack Davison’s abstract explorations; Susan Clanciolo’s walking meditations and Jacqueline Sullivan’s devotion to objects; Nigel Shafran’s birdwatchers and Simone Gooch’s flower sculptures; Linda Goode Bryant’s rooftop gardens and Lena Emery’s endangered glaciers; Sophie McElligot’s mythological Lamia and the unbreakable knots of Ana Domínguez and Pablo de Pastors; Rosy Head’s voyage to the other side of the Moon and Chaumont-Zaerpour’s impressions of a windswept day in Paris.
Like the wind, beauty is impossible to hold, but its power can be deeply felt — experience it within the pages of issue 22. Find inside a beautiful 2025 Moon Calendar designed Anna Hodgson and Harry Darby.
Besides providing botanical contents in a simple, personal and cozy way, The Plant offers to plant lovers a new look on greenery by featuring the works of creative people who also love plants. As a curious observer of ordinary plants and other greenery, the magazine presents a monographic on a specific plant and brings together photographers, illustrators, designers, musicians, writers and visual artists, both established and emerging, from all over the world, to share with The Plant their perceptions and experiences around plants.
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